filter a report based on a form value
The easiest way I have found accomplishing this without updating the query is to assign a small piece of code to a a button named cmd_view_all_shares: DoCmd.OpenReport "the_report_you_want_to_open", acViewPreview, , "the_field_you_want_to_filter_in_the_report = " & the_field_in_the_form In practice, the code looks like this: Private Sub cmd_view_all_shares_Click() 'Filter report to display only Supplier currently showing on frmExample ' (by SupplierID field) DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_Employee_Summary", acViewPreview, , "EmployeeID = " & EmployeeID End Sub Today, I needed to open a record specific report from a command button on a form. Rather than building a filter query to serve as the data source for my report, I decided that I would implement a small piece of code to filter the report that opens up. This code utilizes the DoCmd.OpenReport function and filters the report it opens based on the field “Employee N...