Access Database
Once users get a grip on form design techniques in Microsoft Access database, they normally want to jump ahead and customize forms in their applications that appear polished and professional. One technique they can use is to open Access in full screen view which hides other no essential screens keeping your database neat and tidy.
It requires a combination of setting various form properties during the design time mode and optionally (but ideally) applying either macros orVBA code to the form’s module too.
The final touches to this process would be to create a desktop icon shortcut to load the database file and run the assigned AutoExec macro to the application which will open Access Database in full screen hiding non-essential components.

How To Open Access In Full Screen: Opening A Form As Maximized

Create your form in design view and make sure you set the following properties to this object:
From the ‘Format‘ tab, set Auto Center to ‘Yes’, Auto Resize to ‘Yes’, Border Style to ‘dialog’ and switch off Dividing Line, Control Box, Close Button, Min Max Buttons and decide whether you want to include or exclude Record Selectors and Scroll Bars so they can be customized when you open in full screen.
From the ‘Other ‘ tab, set both the Pop Up and Modal to ‘Yes’ in order for the loading database form to take the focus and users cannot leave this view until they choose to close the loading access database form.
If you are going to switch off all the above, then make sure you add a way to close this form by adding a command button to close the window due to having no control close box option being visible otherwise you may find yourself locked in this view and not making it very user friendly and intuitive to use.
The next part is to add some code whether it be a macro or some VBA code. When your open Access in full screen mode you ideally would like to maximize this view to take the full screen and to do so you can add a simple one liner of VBA code to the ‘On Load’ event to the database form:
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Now you can create a specially reserved macro called ‘AutoExec’ which runs when you open and load your database file and in this case want to call this form.
Use the ‘OpenForm’ command in this macro and set the form name and other key attributes and then save with the reserved macro file name.
The last step is to create a desktop icon to run the MS application and open the database file which in turn triggers the ‘AutoExec’ macro and presto you have a full screen view of your database.
Make sure you set the ‘Run’ option as ‘Minimized’ which hides the database application leaving just the GUI (Graphical User Interface) form as maximized.
To learn more about form designing, take a look at my eBook on how to build objects like  forms which covers in depth step by step guide to this effective but simple application.


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